Free patterns
Knitting a little bunny February 24 2017
Lately, I have been reminiscing about the days when I was making little, crocheted flower hair pins to sell at craft fairs. When Florence was just a few months old we would go to the park, she would be asleep in her pushchair and I would sit on a bench knitting and crocheting.
When a hobby becomes a business, it's sometimes difficult to know if it would have been better for it to remain a hobby, but when the positive reviews start coming in and lovely baby pictures are being sent to us, that same sense of satisfaction and joy returns.
Since being asked to share some patterns, I would like to use this blog space to show you some easy patterns I have found or developed over the last few years.
This little bunny pattern is so easy to make; if you can knit a square then you can make a little bunny. Using any type of yarn first knit a square, the bigger the square the bigger the bunny. From there just follow the directions in the images and in no time at all you will be finishing off your very own bunny with a little pom pom for a tail. If you feel like being extra creative, why not try using more than one colour of yarn, or perhaps even a rainbow effect bunny? Your imagination really is the only thing holding you back!
When you've made your first bunny, we would love to see the fruits of your labours, so please send us some photos!